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Entain Leads the Way by Appointing First Female CEO

Entain Leads the Way by Appointing First Female CEO

Long gone are the days when gambling was strictly a male affair. Today, the online gambling world is experiencing a tremendous shift. The industry is attracting more female managers and gamblers, with Entain appointing the first female CEO ever. But what does this mean for the future of gambling? Let's find out!

Debunking Common Online Casino Myths

Debunking Common Online Casino Myths

When the internet started invading our homes in the 90s, it opened up a world full of opportunities. Not only can people now access information and goods with much ease, but punters can also play casino games on gambling sites. But like with any other emerging industry, there have been some misconceptions and negativity surrounding online gambling. So, let’s cut to the chase and debunk some common online casino myths.

How Online Slot Machines Work

How Online Slot Machines Work

Are you looking to razz up the video slot reels and win some money? Then it’s time to learn a few tricks about online slot machines. Most casino players hold the myth that there is rigging in slot machines. But that’s far from the truth because there wouldn’t be any slot player around currently. In fact, history has it that the most prominent online casino wins are from video slots. So, let’s debunk the myth about video slots with a few hard-nosed facts.

Gaming vs Gambling

Gaming vs Gambling

Gaming and gambling at home is currently a popular pastime activity, thanks to the rise of internet technology. However, there is so much confusion surrounding these two terms. While some may argue that gaming and gambling are the same, others maintain that there's a glaring difference. But is there really any difference between gaming and gambling? This article takes a keener look!

Common Blackjack Mistakes Among Beginners

Common Blackjack Mistakes Among Beginners

Online blackjack is one of the best paying casino games to play. It’s fun, simple to play, and the odds are favorable. But to get something out of playing blackjack, gamers must use a perfect strategy. If you don’t have a proper plan in place, you can make a costly mistake that can deplete your bankroll in a heartbeat. So, what are the most common blackjack mistakes to avoid in 2021? Let’s find out!

Gambling Games You Probably Know Nothing About

Gambling Games You Probably Know Nothing About

There's nothing more satisfying for a gambler than having a casino right inside their living room. Well, that's what online gambling sites offer. But there's much more to online gambling than convenience. One of them is the massive game variety. There are hundreds of game titles to enjoy online. But apart from the usual blackjack, roulette, keno and other standard casino games, which different variations do you know? Keep reading to learn some unique gambling games to try out in 2021.

1xBet in the Running for Three EGR Awards

1xBet in the Running for Three EGR Awards

Gaming and online casino provider 1xBet could bag three major awards in 2021 following nomination in three categories of the 2021 edition of the EGR Nordics virtual awards. The company has received nominations in the 'Best Marketing Campaign,' 'Best Sports Betting Operator,' and 'Best Mobile Operator' categories.

No Registration Online Casinos

No Registration Online Casinos

Online casinos are enjoying fast-rising popularity. That's because they allow gamers to get their entertainment and make money from the comfort of their homes. But as you may already know, the registration process in most online gambling sites can be long and tiring. Some players have also become skeptical about the safety of their personal data.

Ready to Win Money on Slots?

Ready to Win Money on Slots?

Do you dream of becoming a professional slot player? While this might seem uneasy, some players actually know how to win at slots and make money. Regardless, before you can win playing slots or video slots, you need to learn the trade first. Video slots are luck-based, just like other online casino games. So today, I want to polish you with some tried and true skills to help you win slots and stay on the plus side.

Why are Online Pokies so Popular?

Why are Online Pokies so Popular?

Online Pokies are casino games that gamblers can play virtually without special skills or experience. They are the most popular games you see in the online casino companies. It is online casino player favorites majorly because it's easier to play for online casino beginners as it is easily understandable.

Tips on Awesome Gambling Movies

Tips on Awesome Gambling Movies

Enjoy relaxing with motion pictures? Enjoy motion pictures where your gambling and betting fantasies come alive in the actions of characters? Well, here are a number of the best gambling movies which we believe will align with your specific wants. If you’ve seen them, great! If you have not, grab a pack of popcorn and get comfortable because you are definitely in for a long interesting ride.

The Credit Card Ban for Betting in The UK

The Credit Card Ban for Betting in The UK

The beginning of this year witnessed the placement of a credit card ban on betting sites in the United Kingdom. It was gathered that this was due to a heavy crackdown on responsible gambling thereby resulting in problem gambling.

 Online Poker- basic skills

Online Poker- basic skills

Poker is any number of card games where players stake money in which hand is best according to its rules. Poker as a game has been in existence since the 20th century and till today it's still one of the most played games online in the world, making it a must at online casinos.

Cryptocurrency: The Game Changer for Online Casino

Cryptocurrency: The Game Changer for Online Casino

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that is secured by cryptography which prevent it from counterfeit/double spending. Cryptocurrency has become so popular in the 21st century that it is the number one secure currency for digital transaction with some online stores accepting only cryptocurrency as their means of payment for every purchase.

Evolution of Gambling from Offline to Online today

Evolution of Gambling from Offline to Online today

Gambling is as old as man. Human beings from generation to generation are involved in Gambling knowingly and unknowingly from centuries ago and they still do till now and it has advanced with the aides of technology.

8 Biggest Online Casino Jackpots

8 Biggest Online Casino Jackpots

Online casino gambling can become great fun, particularly if you play progressive jackpot games. No matter whether it is on slots, table games, blackjack, or video poker, a lot of lucky gamers have been fortunate enough to smash extremely high, life-changing figures and live to tell their incredible stories.

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